Apples, undoubtedly deserves the position of the most consumed fruit worldwide. The fruit that has been known since childhood to cure all ailments and to keep away doctors. Apples come in a variety of shapes, colours and flavours. There are about 7500 varieties that are grown throughout the world. Tissue culture in apples is a comparatively new technique and not much work is being done commercially by any other company. The advantages of tissue culture propagation are several including pathogen-free plants, better rooting ability, large scale production, all-round propagation without any seasonal restrictions. Ishved Biotech is pleased to announce that we are currently working on apple rootstock tissue culture in collaboration with European group. The best varieties suiting Indian climate will be soon available for Indian customers. The developed plantlets will be no doubt high yielding with uniform fruit size, true-to-type to mother plants, disease resistant, will have good keeping quality and will come with an assurance of IshVed’s quality.